About WIC&RC

See below to learn more about WIC&RC.

Questions? Contact info@wicrc.org or (262) 347-3437

Wisconsin International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (WICRC) is a private, non-profit corporation that establishes, safeguards, and monitors certification standards for certified professionals in the substance abuse and other behavioral health fields.  It advocates for quality, comprehensive substance abuse and other behavioral health services in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Certification Board shall pursue this mission by developing standards and credentialing processes; lobbying, advocating and representing to governmental groups; providing curricula and standards for training and education; and offering other services to providers and certified professionals.

Certification Time Period

Certification encompasses two calendar years commencing on the date of successful completion of the written examination. Two dates, date of issue and valid through, will appear on the certificate along with a certification number.

Appeal Process

The purpose of appeal is to determine if the WICRC accurately, adequately and fairly reviewed applicant’s file. A letter requesting an appeal must be made to WICRC in writing within 30 days of the notification of the board’s action. A person shall be considered notified three days after the relevant date of mailing. The written appeal will be sent to the Executive Committee who in turn will thoroughly review the entire application and materials to determine whether or not applicant should have been denied approval. Applicant will be notified in writing as to the findings of the Executive Committee.


To maintain the high standards of this professional practice and to assure continuing awareness of new knowledge in the field, WICRC requires recertification every two years.

To be recertified as a ADC, an individual must:

  1. Hold a current and valid certificate issued by WICRC
  2. Receive 40 hours of education, including three hours in professional ethics and responsibilities, within the two-year recertification cycle;
  3. Endorse by signature and uphold by practice the Code of Ethical Conduct for professional behavior;
  4. Complete an application, notarized and signed by applicant and accompanied by the recertification fee.


Lapsed Certification 

The completed recertification application should be received prior to the expiration date. If the application is incomplete, applicant will be notified by mail or email depending on what has been indicated by applicant.

There is no grace period, so if the recertification is not completed by the expiration date, the individual will no longer hold a ADC and no further use of the ADC is permitted until the individual has recertified. 

All certified professionals should review the recertification application well in advance of the expiration date. There is no grace period, so recertification application must be completed by the expiration date. A Reinstatement Fee is due if the recertification is late between 1 day and 12 months. After 12 months, no recertification is possible and applicant would have to reapply for the credential, meeting all current requirements.

Exam Content

The ADC Job Analysis identified 4 performance domains for the alcohol and other drug abuse counselor. Within each performance domain there are several identified tasks that provide the basis for questions in the exam. There are 150 multiple-choice questions in the exam. Three hours are permitted to complete the exam. For more information on the examination please consult the appropriate candidate guide for your exam found on IC&RC’s website at www.internationalcredentialing.org

Exam Administration:

Exams are administered via Computer Based Testing (CBT).  Candidates will be required to test at a designated IQT center. On the day of testing, candidates are required to bring a valid, government issued photo ID and their Candidate Admission Letter to the testing center. Candidates are highly encouraged to read the Candidate Admission Letter in its entirety to be aware of all IQT testing policies and procedures.

A list of all IQT testing centers can be found at this link: http://www.isoqualitytesting.com/mlocations.aspx or by calling IQT toll free at +1-866-773-1114.

CBT exams begin with a brief tutorial and end with a brief survey. Extra time is allotted to complete the tutorial and survey. A demonstration of the CBT examination format can be found at https://www.iqttesting.com/Default.aspx?Function=SampleExam&Exam=8

Exam Dates

Exams are offered on-demand based on the availability of your desired testing center. Once you have met the eligibility requirements to sit for the examination, you will be pre-register you for the examination through IC&RC’s on-line test database. You will receive an e-mail with further instructions on scheduling your exam date, time, and location.

Special Exam Situations

Individuals with disabilities and/or religious obligations that require modifications in exam administration may request specific procedure changes, in writing, to the WICRC no fewer than 60 days prior to the scheduled exam date. With the written request, applicant must provide official documentation of the disability or religious issue. Contact the WICRC on what constitutes official documentation. (Insert name of organization here) will offer appropriate modifications to its procedures when documentation supports the need for them. If applicant is unable to provide the WICRC with proper notice, every effort to accommodate will be made. 

Cancellation Policy for Written Exam

Exams can only be cancelled or rescheduled 5 days or more PRIOR to your scheduled examination date. Cancelling or rescheduling an exam is done directly through IQT’s website at www.iqttesting.com

Complete instructions for cancelling or rescheduling an examination are listed below. For technical assistance, please contact IQT at (866) 773-1114 (toll free). 

  1. Visit www.iqttesting.com
  2. Select “Exam Registration.”
  3. Log in using the username and password provided to you in your pre-registration email. If you forgot your password, click the “forgot password” link and it will be emailed to you.
  4. Select “IC&RC” from the organization dropdown menu and click the “Next” button. 
  5. To reschedule an exam, click “edit.” This will cancel your current exam date and prompt you to immediately select a new date. 
  6. To cancel an exam, click cancel.” Once your exam is cancelled, you can log on to www.iqttesting.com at a later date to select a new examination date. Please note, your designated testing window to take the exam will remain the same.  
  7. An email confirmation will be automatically sent to you when you cancel or reschedule your examination.


You will be required to pay a rescheduling or cancellation fee to IQT before you are able to reschedule or cancel your exam.  Acceptable forms of payment are Visa, Master Card or American Express. 

You are unable to reschedule or cancel an examination less than 5 days PRIOR to your scheduled examination. Exceptions are made only for the following four reasons: jury duty, death in immediate family within 14 calendar days of the examination date, illness or medical complication within 14 calendar days prior to the examination date OR the scheduled examination date, and military deployment.  

If one of these four reasons prevents you from testing, you must contact IQT directly and provide sufficient documentation of the event that has occurred. Documentation must be submitted to IQT within 14 calendar days of your missed examination. There will be no additional fee incurred under these circumstances. IQT can be reached toll free at +1-866-773-1114.

If you fail to show up for your examination at the scheduled time, do not have the proper identification, or your Candidate Admission Letter, you will not be permitted to sit for your exam. You will be considered a “No-Show”, your examination fees will be forfeited, and you will be required to re-register and pay all fees to your IC&RC Member Board prior to sitting for the exam. Candidates who miss their scheduled examinations must reschedule with their IC&RC Member Board.

Study Guide

A Candidate Guide with a recommended reading list, practice exams, and study guides are available for the ADC examination. Please consult IC&RC’s website at www.internationalcredentialing.org for more information.    

Retest of Examination

In the case of an unsuccessful written examination, applicant may retest.  Send a written request for retest within 30 days of receipt of notification that he/she did not successfully complete the exam. WICRC will notify applicant of the next exam date. Applicant must notify WICRC in writing of his/her intent to be seated for that exam or desire to be rescheduled. Applicant will be required to pay a retest fee of $150 prior to being rescheduled for exam. Applicant must take the exam within one year to keep application active. 


Rule 1.1  Once certified, a certified professional shall not be convicted for any misdemeanor or felony relating to the individual’s ability to provide substance abuse and other behavioral health services as determined by (insert name of organization).

Rule 1.2  A certified professional shall not be convicted of any crime that involves the use of any controlled or psychoactive substance.


Rule 2.1  A certified professional shall, under no circumstances, engage in sexual activities or sexual contact with clients, whether such contact is consensual  or forced.

Rule 2.2  A certified professional shall not engage in sexual activities or sexual contact with clients’ relatives or other individuals with whom clients maintain a close personal relationship when there is a risk of exploitation or potential harm to the client.

Rule 2.3  A certified professional shall not engage in sexual activities or sexual contact with former clients because of the potential harm to the client.

Rule 2.4   A certified professional shall not provide clinical services to individuals with whom they have had a prior sexual relationship.


Rule 3.1  A certified professional shall not:

  1. present or cause to be presented a false or fraudulent claim, or any proof in support of such claim, to be paid under any contract or certificate of insurance;
  2. prepare, make, or subscribe to a false or fraudulent account, certificate, affidavit, proof of loss, or other document or writing, with knowledge that the same may be presented or used in support of a claim for payment under a policy of insurance; or present or cause to be presented a false or fraudulent claim or benefit application, or any false or fraudulent proof in  support of such a claim or benefit application, or false or fraudulent information, which would affect a future claim or  benefit application, or be paid under any employee benefit program;
  3. seek to have an employee commit fraud or assist in an act of commission or omission to aid fraud related behavior.


Rule 3.2  An individual shall not use misrepresentation in the procurement of certification or recertification, or assist another in the  preparation or  procurement of certification or recertification through misrepresentation. The term “misrepresentation” includes but is not limited to the misrepresentation of professional qualifications, education, certification, accreditation, affiliations, employment experience, the plagiarism of application and recertification materials, or the falsification of references.

Rule 3.3  An individual shall not use a title designation, credential or license, firm name, letterhead, publication, term, title, or document which states or implies an ability, relationship, or qualification that does not exist and to which they are not entitled.

Rule 3.4  A certified professional shall not provide service under a false name or a name other than the name under which his or her certification or license is held.

Rule 3.5  A certified professional shall not sign or issue, in their professional capacity, a document or a statement that the professional knows or should have known to contain a false or misleading statement.

Rule 3.6  A certified professional shall not produce, publish, create, or partake in the creation of any false, fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading advertisement.

Rule 3.7  A certified professional who participates in the writing, editing, or publication of professional papers, videos/films, pamphlets or books must act to preserve the integrity of the profession by acknowledging and documenting any materials and/or techniques or people (i.e. co-authors, researchers, etc.) used in creating their opinions/papers, books, etc. Additionally, any work that is photocopied prior to receipt of approval by the author is discouraged. Whenever and wherever possible, the certified professional should seek permission from the author/creator of such materials. The use of copyrighted materials without first receiving author approval is against the law and, therefore, in violation of the Code of Ethical Conduct.


Rule 4.1  A certified professional shall not develop, implement, or maintain exploitative relationships with clients and/or family members of clients.

Rule 4.2  A certified professional shall not misappropriate property from clients and/or family members of clients.

Rule 4.3  A certified professional shall not enter into a relationship with a client which involves financial gain to the certified professional or a third party resulting from the promotion or the sale of services unrelated to the provision of services or of goods, property, or any  psychoactive substance.

Rule 4.4  A certified professional shall not promote to a client for their personal gain any treatment, procedure, product, or service.

Rule 4.5  A certified professional shall not ask for nor accept gifts or favors from clients and/or family members of client.

Rule 4.6  A certified professional shall not offer, give, or receive commissions, rebates, or any other forms of remuneration for a client referral.

Rule 4.7  A certified professional shall not accept fees or gratuities for professional work from a person who is entitled to such services through an institution and/or agency by which the certified professional is employed.


Rule 5.1  A certified professional shall not in any way participate in discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age,  religion, national origin, socio-economic status, political belief, psychiatric or psychological impairment, or physical disability. 

Rule 5.2  A certified professional who fails to seek therapy for any psychoactive substance abuse or dependence, psychiatric or psychological impairment, emotional distress, or for any other physical health related adversity that interferes with their professional functioning shall be in violation of this rule. Where any such conditions exist and impede their ability to function competently, a certified professional must request inactive status of their  credential for medical reasons for as long as necessary.

Rule 5.3  A certified professional shall meet and comply with all terms, conditions, or limitations of a certification or license.

Rule 5.4  A certified professional shall not engage in conduct that does not meet the generally accepted standards of practice.

Rule 5.5  A certified professional shall not perform services outside of their area of training, expertise, competence, or scope of practice.

Rule 5.6  A certified professional shall not reveal confidential information obtained as the result of a professional relationship, without the prior written consent from the recipient of services, except as authorized or required by law.

Rule 5.7  The certified professional shall not permit publication of photographs, disclosure of client names or records, or the nature of services being provided without securing all requisite releases from the client, or parents or legal guardians of the clients.

Rule 5.8  The certified professional shall not discontinue professional services to a client nor shall they abandon the client without facilitating an appropriate closure of professional services for the client.

Rule 5.9  A certified professional shall not fail to obtain an appropriate consultation or make an appropriate referral when the client’s problem is beyond their area of training, expertise, competence, or scope of service.


Rule 6.1  A certified professional shall not administer to himself or herself any psychoactive substance to the extent or in such manner as to be  dangerous or injurious to a recipient of services, to any other person, or to the extent that such use of any psychoactive substance impairs the ability  of the professional to safely and competently provide services.

Rule 6.2  All certified professionals are mandated child abuse reporters.


Rule 7.1  A certified professional shall not falsify, amend, or knowingly make incorrect entries or fail to make timely essential entries into the  client record.


Rule 8.1  A certified professional shall not refer a client to a person that he/she knows or should have known is not qualified by training, experience, certification, or license to perform the delegated professional responsibility.


Rule 9.1  A certified professional holding a certification, license, or other authorization to practice issued by any certification authority or any state, province, territory, tribe, or federal government whose certification or license has been suspended, revoked, placed on probation, or other restriction or discipline shall promptly alert the Board of such disciplinary action.


Rule 10.1    A certified professional shall cooperate in any investigation conducted pursuant to this Code of Ethical Conduct and shall not interfere with an investigation or a disciplinary proceeding or attempt to prevent a disciplinary proceeding or other legal action from being filed, prosecuted, or completed. Interference attempts may include but are not limited to:

  1. the willful misrepresentation of facts before the disciplining authority or its authorized representative;
  2. the use of threats or harassment against, or an  inducement to, any client or witness in an effort to prevent them from providing evidence in a disciplinary proceeding or any other legal action;
  3. the use of threats or harassment against, or an inducement to, any person in an  effort to prevent or attempt to prevent a disciplinary proceeding or other legal action from being filed, prosecuted or completed;
  4. refusing to accept and/or respond to a letter of complaint, allowing a credential to lapse while an ethics complaint is pending, or attempting to resign a credential while an ethics complaint is pending. Violation of this rule under these circumstances will result in the immediate and indefinite suspension of the certified professional’s credential until the ethical complaint is resolved.


Rule 10.2     A certified professional shall:

  1. not make a false statement to the (insert name of organization here) or any other disciplinary authority; 
  2. promptly alert colleagues informally to potentially unethical behavior so said colleague could take corrective action;
  3. report violations of professional conduct of other certified professionals to the appropriate licensing/disciplinary authority when he/she knows or should have known that another certified professional has violated ethical standards and has failed to take corrective action after informal intervention.


Rule 10.3   A certified professional shall report any uncorrected violation of the Code of Ethical Conduct within 90 days of alleged violation. Failure to report a violation may be grounds for discipline.

Rule 10.4   A certified professional with firsthand knowledge of the actions of a respondent or a complainant shall cooperate with the investigation or disciplinary proceeding. Failure or an unwillingness to cooperate in the investigation or disciplinary proceeding  shall be grounds for disciplinary action.

Rule 10.5   A certified professional shall not file a complaint or provide information to the (insert name of organization here), which he/she knows or should have known, is false or misleading.

Rule 10.6   In submitting information to WIC&RC, a certified professional shall comply with any requirements pertaining to the disclosure of client information established by the federal or state government.